Category Archives: Events
First International aegean conferences on Social Sciences & Humanities
How to support learners in Inclusive Physical Education?
Inclusive physical education is based on models of integration/inclusion pedagogy as well as physical education pedagogy and is guided by the action-guiding objective of supporting all pupils – according to their available potentials and impairments – in the development of various sports motor skills and competences. Children with physical and/or cognitive impairments as well asContinue reading “How to support learners in Inclusive Physical Education?”
How to apply Inclusive Physical Education with focus on team sport activities?
The main goal is to: find the right sport ensure equal opportunities have everyone involved participate, teach, and observe be careful have all involved learn adapt to everyone’s needs have everyone believe that they can participate in team sports It is also important to remember that rule changes of well-known games (like basketball, football, etc.)Continue reading “How to apply Inclusive Physical Education with focus on team sport activities?”
How to apply Inclusive Physical Education with focus on the compulsory practical exercises?
Inclusive physical education empowers children/adolescents with and without impairments and/or chronic illness to participate in sports activities, and creates joint movement experiences without neglecting individual’s special needs. Inclusive physical education thrives on diverse and creative methods of lesson designs that enable the participation of all children/adolescents with different (cognitive/physical) prerequisites. Many sporting activities, exercises, andContinue reading “How to apply Inclusive Physical Education with focus on the compulsory practical exercises?”
What is Inclusive Physical Education/Sport?
What are the objectives of inclusive physical education, how can it be integrated into regular physical education, what practical implementation possibilities can be used to enable all children and young people – with or without physical/mental impairments and/or chronic illnesses – to enjoy physical education that is tailored to their needs and in which allContinue reading “What is Inclusive Physical Education/Sport?”
Meeting between all project partner countries
A meeting between all project partner countries was held on 10th of September in Vienna (Austria). This day, many important topics related to the development and progress of the work on the INEDU project were discussed. – Meetings with focus groups and all achieved results for now – Presentation of collected and current information -PresentationContinue reading “Meeting between all project partner countries”
We work hard on inclusion!
We are trying to involve the students withdisabilities in various activities!
Give an assist to life!
Inclusion in education , in life is our vision. Everything starts from the family and how well the children are educated. Our society should give chances to everybody. Everyone has a role and can play a role in our society, in happiness, in school, insports The video was produced by Efthimis Argiratos, 12th primary school,Continue reading “Give an assist to life!”
Inclusive education for all
Inclusive education for all! This is our vision, our goal. Christos is the youngest athlete of wheelchair basketball of Greece. He is playing in Hephaestus sport club and he goes to primary school. He has spinal cord injury